What is a press release?

A press release really is simply a communication directed at members of the media industry to announce something that is newsworthy.

A press release written well can be invaluable tool go increase traffic to your website.  This can be anything from promoting a new product, signing on a new client or a new national promotion.  There are some very specific differences between a press release and an article and we should not confuse either or even worse use one for both.  An article normally goes in depth and educated the reader on a particular subject.  The content will also be timeless vs. a news release informing your audience that you just opened a new office.

One of the major advantages of writing press releases is that they are distribute and published very differently than articles.  Press releases will receive by far more exposure they are also exposed to news syndication websites and news blogs.  Google news is one of the most powerful outlets as  you earn “votes” for popularity.

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